The Land of The Lost is one of The Wife’s favorite childhood TV Shows. She is greatly upset that the no talent, highly over rated Will Ferrell is starring in the remake. I actually like Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction, but then, he was a minor character in that film. So whenever I find some odd reference to Land of The Lost I have to tell the Wife about it. For instance there were some Sleestaks in an episode of Xialin Showdown, a cute cartoon about Kung Fu kids.
So when I saw this little Sleestak Bobble head I thought, well, why not?
Just as Will Ferrell was the worst possible person to play the role of Darren Stevens in an otherwise not too bad movie version of Bewitched, he is also exactly the wrong person to play the Dad in Land of The Lost. We will see it anyway, and who knows, maybe it will be sort of ok. Well, maybe not. Land of The Lost is supposed to hit threaters around June 5, 2009.
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