I know that Amazon.com is not all about books anymore, even though that is what I always use them for. Still, I was a bit surprised to find page after page of cheap sex toys. We’re talking a little over 1400 sex toys. That’s a pretty big sex toy catalog for a bookstore. The styles and shapes and functions of these sex toys are staggering. You can get a key chain flashlight sex toy, though why you might need one is beyond me. Enough sex toys to throw as many sexy toy parties as you could stand. Some of the sex toy brands are kind of cute, like Doc Johnson, California Exotics, and Pipedreams. Many of the sex toy dildos are brightly colored and might make attractive centerpieces if put in a flower bouquet.
Ok, I know that you can buy sex toys online. But for some reason I didn’t think Amazon.com would be selling sex toys. Of course, they sell books on sex, so why not lubricants and dildos? I also had no idea that cock rings came in so many shapes and colors. It was not too shocking that there are sex toys for him as well as sex toys for her, but I was surprised that you can buy sex toys for under ten dollars. Is it just me, or does the idea of cheap sex toys sound kind of dangerous? And not in a good way.
Sex toy parties make the news once in a while-Sex Toys The New Tupperware. Hmm, for all I know Tupperware makes sex toys now as well. Find fun sex toys on Amazon.com. I’m still thinking about that flashlight sex toy. Hmm.
I need to look around Amazom some more now, if they have a whole section on sex toys, I wonder what else is hiding in the woodwork there?
Sex Toys on Amazon.com
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