Seussville is kind of fun and silly place, as one might expect from a site based on the works of Dr Seuss. A bit of silly music and some nice animation and a bit of fun and games. There is also a spot to go and buy one the good Doctor’s many books. I grew up with The Sneetches and The Cat in The Hat and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. But my favorite of these odd little stories was always The Lorax.
The Lorax was the story of a hapless little fellow that live in a forest which was cut down by a greedy person. The Truffula Trees are all slaughters so that the villain can make sweaters and get rich. Even to this day I hate working in logging towns, and there are plenty of them around. East Texas if filled with barren wastelands and smoldering stacks of ruined trees.
There is some hope at the end of The Lorax as the bad guy gives a Truffula Tree seed to a little boy in the hopes that he can re-grow the forest and life will return to the wasteland. As in fact life usually returns to places where trees have been chopped down. The Lorax is a good book for instill self-righteous indignation, like many of Dr Seuss’s books. I don’t like logging, but I was never inspired to go out and spike trees or even resist the urge to use chop sticks or toothpicks. But I do feel bad about it once in a while.
I am looking forward to the new Horton Hears a Who movie, as it looks absolutely amazing in the previews. I still like Jim Carey, even though has decided to make the weirdest movies in history the last few years. Maybe he should get together with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp and make something. In the meantime, checkout Seussville, dust off a Dr Seuss book, and think seriously about changing the world. While we still have a world to save.