I read somewhere that no one way buying watches anymore. Since everyone had a cell phone now, why would they need any other time piece? Of course, a Rolex watch is not so much a time piece as a big honking piece of gold. Pure luxury. How many people have a solid gold cell phone? So Timex watches may be in trouble, but I don’t Rolex watches will be.
Of course, not all Rolex watches are solid gold, I have seen some really nice ones that are stainless steel, back from the days when a stainless steel Rolex watch was just as expensive as a gold one.
The new top of the line Rolex watch covered with diamonds like P Diddy wears will set you back, hmm, a lot, like half a million dollars. While a quick browse on eBay shows you can have Rolex watch on your wrist for a mere two grand.
Rolex doesn’t just do watches, they are also sponsors of their own little yacht race, the Rolex Fastnet Race which is going on down under in Australia at the moment. The leader is the Sigma 41 Nightlife, for the two or three yacht racing fans out there.
My watch of choice? A fifteen dollar job from Wal-Mart that hangs off my belt and has a tiny little flashlight on it. I don’t have a Rolex watch, but if I win the lotto, I will give it some serious thought. Nah.
Rolex and the death of the Watch
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