Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.
It’s been raining for weeks, maybe months. Everyday a new set of storms rolls into the area and there is flooding and water on the roads and everything is greener than it has a right to be at this time of year. Dallas in July is normally everyday over a hundred degrees. There was one year, 1980, when we went for three months with it being over a hundred everyday. I guess this year will stand out in the memory as the wettest ever.
So is it global warming? Or a sign of the Apocalypse? Or just one of those things that happens every once in a while. During a normal year, when we have no rain and it is all as dry as Joan Rivers, the weather people all talk about how we are in a drought. Up until like two days ago, there were still watering restrictions in most cities around here. That is something you do when you don’t want to waste water on keeping the lawn green. Seems a bit silly to restrict water usage when there is flooding all over the place.

“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Does seem to be rather sound advice. . .