Every once in a while there is the story of how the airlines sell off the stuff from lost luggage. Property Room is something of a similar nature, selling off stuff that has been stolen but they can’t find the owners. The FBI says about a third of stolen goods is never returned to its rightful owner. So instead of having an annual garage sale, Police are now turning to Propertyroom.com. There do seem to be some pretty good deals on this eBay for Cops.
Most police are not looking to make a profit on these items, just to get them out of their evidence rooms and storage facilities. The confiscated goods range from rare coins and computers to real estate and surfboards. If it can be confiscated by the police, it might find it’s way to the site. Just looking at the camera stuff there a number of lens for sell that have starting bids of a dollar and no bids yet.
I like going to Estate Sales, which are basically rummaging through a recently deceased person’s home in hopes of finding something worth making your own. So why not good through stuff confiscated by the cops? Besides, we all like a bargain, don’t we?
The site may be a bit hard to get to for a bit, since it showed up on Google Trends, I’m sure that it is getting slammed.