Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment that passed Tuesday with 52 per cent support, limits marriage in California to heterosexual couples — putting 18,000 same-sex marriages in the state in legal jeopardy.
California has often been called The Land of Fruits and Nuts-so if a ban of Gay Marriage can pass in California, it will surely pass anywhere and everywhere else. I do tend to think that it is a bit optimistic to think that this will be the end of the Gay Marriage debate. Three legal groups have already filed a writ petition with the state Supreme Court, urging the invalidation of Prop 8.
When this topic comes up the compromise position that most heterosexuals think is fair is to have some sort of Legal Union-which is not to be called a Marriage. The next logical step down that road is not to call a Homosexual with children a parent, or a couple with children a family. They’ll think of something, but clearly parent and family are words that should be reserved for good God Fearing people-not gays. Yeah, right.
I have always been in favor of some kind of testing for people who want to have children myself-I see way too many people with kids that I wouldn’t trust with a goldfish. Want to make the world a better place-bar heterosexual people from getting married. It’s so much easier to murder someone than divorce them, so get rid of that whole bloody damned marriage thing all together.
Although I am a great fan of musicals, sell antiques once in a while, and have been known to wear the occasional Hawaiian shirt, I am not gay. I do know a number of gay people and most of them seem to be as good as any straight person I know. Most of them are not the stereotypes that populate TV Shows and movies, though certainly there are a few that come close. Should gays be allowed to get married? I guess the good people of California don’t think so. I don’t see that it hurts anything.
I agree with the old joke-Sure they should be allowed to get married-let them be as miserable as the rest of us.

With Obama victory on every front page and every blog, this little event has gone unnoticed.
Everybody thinks America has undergone this miraculously overnight transformation. I say to those naive Americans
Don’t forget that we are the same people that voted Bush in power TWICE!
We all hope for the best, and still fear the worst. We all knew that Bush was a moron and still elected him.
Obama is a still an unknown element. Is this good or bad? We’ll find out soon enough.