I’ve never like Police Forces-part of the Big Brother arm of Government. I’m not too crazy about Soldiers or the Military either. But I do like the Interstate Highway system, safe air travel, and the occasional bit of junk mail.
I like the whole idea of paper money, which has absolutely zero intrinsic value, being able to pay for all the stuff that makes up the American Way of life. I am a bit concerned that so much of this funny money goes to pay the 17 million or so people who work for the Government. Do we really need millions of people working for Uncle Sam? I guess so.
But do I trust the Government? Trust them to do what? Ah, that’s the rub. What is the job of Government? It seems that fighting wars has become the primary thing that government is good for these days. So no, I don’t trust the Government to fight wars, the US Government has shown that it doesn’t have the guts to wage war any more-we are all about helping people instead of defeating them and taking their resources as our own. But then, war just isn’t what it used to be either.
I don’t like the system of Government nor the elected members who have to work within that system. I’m sure that I wouldn’t like a good old fashioned Caesar style dictatorship either, but at least you’d just have the one person to blame when everything goes wrong.
I like Obama as much as I have liked any President during my lifetime, the Media has done a great job of making all leaders look like buffoons-and not just the ones like Bush II and Carter that pretty much were buffoons. My main memory of the Reagan years was that the old boy took a lot of naps and was a lot of fun to watch when he went off script.
The American people love a good stalemate-we want one party here and one party there and someone else entirely over there. It’s best when they all disagree on virtually everything. Gotta love those never say Yes Republicans.
I trust the Government more than I trust Political Parties, they are the pure evil in the story. But that’s how the game is played. New Parties pop up from time to time and I like what some of them say, but they are nothing, they have no power, no fanbase, no means of changing anything. And even if they did manage to take over somehow, we Americans would soon enough hate them as well. We really love to hate.
Being a poor schmuck I’m all for that whole British system called the Dole where anyone who doesn’t want to work, doesn’t have to. Pay me to sit at home and watch tv, and I’ll sit at home and watch tv. Maybe they should put that the back of a dollar bill. I think it’s a good philosophy.
The Pew Report on DISTRUST, DISCONTENT, ANGER AND PARTISAN RANCOR has a lot of cool info in it, if your into this kind of statical techno babble. I like the chart on page 21 that shows how Trust in Government has fallen since 1958. Seems to me that the more Media coverage people have, the less they trust the Government. Ignorance is bliss and the best trust is blind.