I say bring back the good old days, when Iraqis just killed other Iraqis without having to waste their resources killing the occasional American.
George Bush, Sr says that Iraq is better off now than when it had Saddam Hussein running things. I’d like to see a poll of the people living in Iraq on the subject. Are you better off now than you were before the United States invaded your country? Hell, if they had put Saddam on the first election ballots he would have won hands down then. It’s kind of moot point now that man has been dead for a couple of years. Still, the Bushes have no better questions to ask, Saddam was there trump card, nothing else mattered. Without the next Hitler ruling Iraq with an iron fist, democracy would flourish like a plant put out in the sun and given a good watering. Only it didn’t quite happen that way.
Turns out that Saddam was the only thing keeping these idiots from killing each other the whole time. If Little George had not declared the mission in Iraq to be making the people of Iraq happy and democratic, we could have left ten minutes after the last bomb was dropped when he was all smiles on that aircraft carrier declaring victory. But NO! Our goal is make a bunch of people that hate each other love each other.
The main thing that both Daddy Bush and Little Bush keep forgetting is that we don’t give a damn about the good people of Iraq. We wanted blood for 9/11. We wanted to kill anyone and everyone, and Iraq just happened to be the anyone of choice. We sure as hell didn’t want our government to go in and try to recreate the Middle East in the image of Western Europe.
If they had asked us, we would have told them to put that idea where the sun don’t shine. But that’s the great thing about Representative Government, they don’t have to ask us, they just do what the hell ever they want to. A real democracy where everyone had a say in how the government is run would be a nightmare for the powers that be. But there would be no more wars for the hell of it and no more bridges to nowhere. I’ve always like the idea of a true democracy, but all the pundits call that mob rule, the implication being that the average person is just too damned stupid to understand that we have to go war sometimes. Whether we need to or not.
We might as well pay more attention to politics, all our favorite TV shows are going into re-runs anyway.