Time Waits for No Blog

Work, as has been noted elsewhere, takes up a lot of time. I have been running around the state, looking at lakes and trees and fresh blow bluebonnets. But I have had little time to spare for my poor little blog or my writing in general.My photography however, has been pretty good. I have been working on my lighting and posing and backgrounds, the stuff that I have the most direct control over. The expressions, well, that is another story. I can catch a few goods one now and then, but most people just have this set idea about how…

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It’s not the destination. . .

For the last ten years or so I have been traveling around Texas, and a good deal of the rest of the country. But mainly Texas. As with anything familiar, it has lost much of its interest for me. It is a big state and there are a lot of cool things to see and do. And yet I seem to end up in the places which, are well, not so cool. Most small towns look, feel and taste the same-they all have Sonics and Subways and Rednecks, for lack of better term. They tend to call themselves Good Ol…

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Cherry 2000-I’ve seen the story before. . .

I watched this turkey on Showtime the other day and it must have been the full twenty years since I first saw it. This was a prototypical 80s movie. It could have been filmed with the cast of Miami Vice, or had a musical number from Flashdance. The lighting and the makeup and the dayglo red hair. By the way, I watched this movie and would have sworn that it was Molly Ringwald in the female lead and not Melanie Griffith. I guess bad actresses from the 80s all look alike to me.Ok, normally I will go back and watch…

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On being a Photographer

What do you think of when I tell you I am professional photographer? Do images of scantily clan young women pop into your mind? Or maybe someone hanging out of a helicopter as a herd of wilder beast thunder below. Or maybe one of those tortured artistic types with gigantic prints hanging on the wall behind them as they talk about the hard years it took them to get to the top? Or maybe you know someone who makes a living taking photos, that is, someone that just gets by taking photos for a living. I’m one of those.I started…

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What is it about the Shower?

Being the creative type that I am, I write, make photos, make digital art, draw when the mood strikes me, have all these ideas about all kinds of cool stuff. But of late I have been struck my inspiration while in the shower. I know that there have been silly inventions like waterproof pens and pads for jotting down those great shower ideas, but that seems a bit much. These are mainly little blog ideas, little rants about one thing or another that I think would be kind of cool to prattle on about for a few paragraphs. But then,…

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Anna Nicole Thoughts

When Elvis died it was a big deal. Ripping of hair and gnashing of teeth and a general moaning of lose among a lot of tubby old women that were shown over and over again in the streets outside of Graceland. There was a two hour tribute show after the news went off. Tabloids devoted entire issues to The King of Rock and Roll.Much the same thing happened with John Lennon was killed. To me the most amazing part of the story was the common knowledge that John Lennon walked back to his apartment every night around midnight and you…

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When the Student is Ready

I was watching Opera today, which not a very common thing for me. I used to watch her when she was competing with good old Phil for the top spot in Chicago, but that was a million years or so ago. She used to have a show just like all the others, cheating husbands, run away kids, foods that will kill you, cheating wives, bad news of the day, cheating lovers. . .but then something odd happened-she became mind numbingly rich. And like the Beatles before her, she came to realize that she was put on this earth to do…

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Time, time, time-clutter, clutter, clutter

There are days when I want to do a lot. I look around and want to get rid of the trash that seems to grow exponential around here. But that leads to sorting a bit of the clutter that is mingled in with the trash. Which leads to thoughts about the stuff left over from my vast eBay Empire, that is vast now only in the amount of crap I have that didn’t get any bids. Which, eventually, leads to the floor which might need a bit of vacuuming or maybe just a big pile of stuff that I am…

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about that novel

The new work is moving along at a nice pace, seeing as I am only working on it during the odd morning when I am not working. But then, that is alright as well-gives me time to think about things a bit.The story is now at that stage where I read over what I have written and come to the realization that it is exactly like something else. This happens with all stories, as there really is nothing new under the sun. So I have to resist the temptation to say well, I am not as good as so-and-so who…

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Super Bowl Thoughts

I was not a jock when I was in school. In fact, my sport of choice, cycling, was major nerd territory. When I was in school it would still be three years before pretty boy Greg LaMond won the Tour De France three time and about a ten years before Iron Man and Living God on Earth Lance Armstrong would win the Tour Seven Times. When I was into cycling it was ruled by people with unpronounceable names using equipment suppled by companies with unpronounceable names most often riding in countries I had never heard of-with, yes, unpronounceable names. This…

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