Gilmore Girls-say it ain’t so

The Gilmore Girls has been on for 7 years, or is it 8? This highly erudite show about two coffee guzzling, fast talking women dealing with the general problems of life, the universe and everything–is history.At the end of last night’s show, they said come back next week for the series finale. What?!? Just like that, it’s over? You bastards bring back 7th Heaven and can the Gilmore Girls?Well, such is life I suppose.Just wanted to put my two cents worth in, this is one of the best shows on TV, even if it is on the worthless CW Network.…

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Spiderman 3-Rent Spidy 2 instead

In the modern blockbuster fashion there is a lot of CGI magic going on and not a lot of story. They have run back to the well of our tormented hero and the death of the his uncle once too often. The three villains are a bit over the top, but then, they are comic book villains, so I guess that is ok. Sandman is the neatest bad guy as he is made with Vue 6 or the Hollywood equivalent, in that he is a pile of sand and rock that is shaped like a man. He is the most…

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Feed-it’s all been done before

Since I do a bit of traveling, I have the time to listen to a lot of books. I am not working my way through the 100 best books ever written, or following any plan at all for that matter. Just what pops up on the library shelf and looks like I might like it.feed- M.T. Anderson, David Aaron Baker (Narrator)-sounded like a kind of cool sci-fi novel, which I am pretty much a fan of. So I slide the first CD in hoping to have an interesting couple of hours. Somewhere it says satire in relation to this bit…

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Success is a habit

We are what we do everyday. Good bloggers blog. Good dancers dance. A clean house is always a work in progress, just as a messy house is always a work in progress. We add to these things everyday. Fat people do a lot of eating in order to be fat. Wealth is made one day at a time, if not one dollar at a time. OK, I guess I could go on with that line of thought, but really, what’s the point? I tend to start things and then go on to other things. One of my all time favorite…

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A single rose can be my garden. . .

Leo Buscalia was a happy loud mouth that liked to state the bleeding obvious and make it sound like a blinding revelation. He was fun to listen to, his books can’t touch the power of his speaking. I only saw him on TV, but he was fun to watch. Leo Buscalia told a story about a young woman in one of his classes. She kills herself one night when her boyfriend neglects to call her. It’s a standard sad and poignant story. But Leo takes it to the next logical step, he asks: What could she have done, besides killing…

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Killer Thoughts

Saucy Jack is credited with killing five people in 1888. Five. Two of which happened at almost the same time and it is unlikely that they were both committed by the same killer and the last was most likely what we call a copy cat killing these days. So in this famous little spree, Jack most likely killed three people. Since was not caught, or at leas not caught and kept, the odds are very good that he went right on killing for the rest of his life. But he was the first great killer of the industrial age, and…

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Taking Portraits

The main kind of portraits that I take are the standard old fashioned styles of a woman seated in front of seated man, their bodies overlapped halfway and the man half a head height taller than the woman. If the woman is standing, she is about half a head height taller, standing halfway behind the seated man. These are the same poses and rules of composition that Leonard da Vinci used a few hundred years ago when they were sitting around writing rules for everything. Nothing wrong with it, in fact a lot of people like it.I also like to…

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I wonder why

I spend a lot of time thinking, and not so much time acting on those thoughts. My current job is so, just a job. I am not sure what I expected, or if I expected much of anything. I went in with the hope of making more than I had made at my last job, which is always a nice simple goal to have. So I am making more than my last job, which is really no mean feat. But there are days when I don’t make more than the last job, where I make about a third of the…

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George Hurrell thoughts

George Hurrell is most famous for taking Hollywood Style Glamor shots in the 30s and 40s. He never met a light he didn’t like and his images are full of hair lights, kickers, background lights, and multiple key and fill lights. His stuff is just amazing. I read somewhere that he took the publicity photos for the pilot of Star Trek with William Shatner seen here. It has all the classic Hurrell touches of strong light and shadow control, as well as a pretty blurred background. Of course, Hurrell was not the only guy shooting this stuff and his style…

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The Perfect Employee

Agent Smith loves his job. He sees his job as a mission. He was made for his job. He’s pretty good at what he does. And yet, he doesn’t seem all that happy in his work.I have been thinking rather a lot about work, as I have been doing little else the past few weeks. I am one of those people that look at what we do and wonder why we don’t do it better. The big wigs that run the show want to know why we don’t do it better as well. But they are also clueless. We take…

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