Ashley Flores is a thirteen year old girl who is missing-or so the email went that ask everyone to forward it in a kind of online Amber Alert. Just one catch, she is not missing, it was joke played by a friend last found the story last year and discovered Ashley’s friend Vicki who began the email as a prank. Funny, eh?Vicki told “Ashley Flores is not missing. It was merely a joke that got completely out of hand. Please inform everyone that she is not missing. It was a joke. I’m sorry about any confusion.” This email…
Micheal Vick and Dog Fighting
Millionaire Atlanta Falcon’s quaterback Micheal Vick has been indicted for his part in a dogfighting ring. This story has all the elements we have come to expect from Professional Athletes. I want to say something like- You can take the thug out of the hood, but you can’t take the hood out of the thug. But that might sound a bit racist. Instead image how huge this story would be if it were Mr Wonderful Beckham who was accused of killing dogs in his spare time? This is a level of evil, vile, and wrong behavior that goes why beyond…
J.K. Rowlings on Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter and the Torrent of Bits
Google Results 1 – 10 of about 97,100 for harry potter and the deathly hallows torrent Maybe it is just me, but the very idea of wading through one of these eight hundred page behemoths in ebook form gives me a headache. But then, I am not a Harry Potter maniac, so maybe squinting at a flickering screen to find out what finally happens to the little wizard with the lighting bolt on his forehead is worth it. Still, it is only a few days until the legal release, so does this torrent really matter much? Maybe, maybe not.I watched…
The Sun in 3D
Mandy Patinkin bye,bye Crimial Minds
Mandy Patinkin is a great talent, but anytime he loses creative control, he walks. He’s been great in everything I’ve ever seen him in. The only trouble is that he doesn’t like doing the same role for very long. So it is no surprise that he is leaving his current show, Criminal Minds. It’s sort of surprising that he lasted as long as he did.The first role that I saw him in and was greatly impressed was Sunday in the Park with George, a musical about George Suerat the post impressionist pointillist painter. His voice is great and his acting…
Buy my Fine Art Print Under The Dome
Under The Dome
Slusho and 1-18-08 Update
JJ Abrams has said that he has nothing to do with sites like Ethan Haas and that the only official site for his new movie is This site features three still images that can be moved around the screen. They each have a time index, 1/18/08- 12:01A, 12:36A, and 12:48A. If there is a puzzle here I am too dim to figure it out.On the Slusho front, which is sounding more and more like the Slurm episode of Futurama, there are a couple of more links that work now. One tells the history of Slusho, which involves a whale…
Micheal Kalish -License to Sample
Micheal Kalish was featured on CBS Sunday Morning today. He’s a young artist who uses old car license plates to make art. He does some original work, such as groupings of metal flowers and US maps. But he is most famous for his portraits and this is where I have a problem with him. These are not his portraits. In music they call it sampling when you steal someone else’s music and drop into a song and call it your own. Micheal Kalish has sampled images from the greatest photographers and illustrators in history to make his art. Does he…
amy polumbo-my two cents
Miss New Jersey partied hard in college and posed for some rather silly pictures. Stop the presses. Really, I mean stop it. When Penthouse published the Vanessa Williams photos, which featured a bit of lesbian bondage and were shot with grainy black and white film , it pretty much launched Vanessa’s career. It also sparked a number of debates as to the relevance of Miss American and beauty pageants in general. Amy Polimbo’s pictures are pretty tame. There are not stories of her getting into lip locks with other girls, like the last Miss Whatever that was in a scandal.…