The Salsa Garden

I used to be a big time gardener. I had a quarter of an acre under cultivation and grew everything from Asparagus to Zucchini. I had fruit trees and nuts trees and grape vines and I kept trying to grow figs, without much success.But as the saying goes, the most important item to have in a garden is the gardener’s shadow. I just don’t have the time or energy any more for that kind of effort. So I have not done much, not taken care of much. But I do like the idea of the Salsa Garden, this is a…

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Heidi Klum Topless with a Riding Crop

Top Model and topless Heidi Klum is featured in a number of new ads for Jordache Jeans. Heidie Klum looks good wearing nothing but the jeans and holding a riding crop. Jordache is one of those, wow, they still make those? brands that was all the rage back in the eighties. This series of ads is reminiscent of the 80s Calvin Kline ads, which featured moody, mostly nude people photographed in harsh black and white.The Chateau Jordache is a cute little flash site that has more images of Heidi and a bit of info about the jeans as well, I…

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Elvis Presley After The Finial Curtain

And now, the end is nearAnd so I face the final curtain Elvis Presley, My Way Thirty years ago today, Elvis Presley, The King of Rock and Roll, died at his fabled home Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee. But rather than use a picture of Elvis Presley, I have used a picture of Bruce Campbell pretending to be Elvis Presley. While fans of the real Elvis Presley line up outside of Graceland to pay their respects, my thoughts lean toward Elvis Presley after he ate his last Peanut butter, Bacon, and Banana Sandwich.When Elvis Presley died in 1977, almost at once…

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Rolex and the death of the Watch

I read somewhere that no one way buying watches anymore. Since everyone had a cell phone now, why would they need any other time piece? Of course, a Rolex watch is not so much a time piece as a big honking piece of gold. Pure luxury. How many people have a solid gold cell phone? So Timex watches may be in trouble, but I don’t Rolex watches will be.Of course, not all Rolex watches are solid gold, I have seen some really nice ones that are stainless steel, back from the days when a stainless steel Rolex watch was just…

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National Relaxation Day I can do that

Ah to relax, what could be easier? You lean back and close your eyes and wait for someone to come and bother you. No wait, you take a deep breath and let it out slowly, before the phone rings again. Or maybe you just sit still and let the worries of the world drift way, while you think about that next project you need be working on.Hmm, relaxing is not really all that easy. That’s why Holosync, InnerTalk, Dane Spotts and Kelly Howell are doing so well. They all make these cool little relaxation CDs where you put on the…

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Cadbury Eggs-Profits Not So Sweet

I remember the first time I ate a Cadbury Egg. I love sweets, but OMG this was sweet. If you’ve never had one because just the look of the gooey white and yellow insides makes you feel a bit quesy, maybe this would be a good time to look for a Cadbury Egg. Or maybe not. The stars have not been aligned for the amazingly good Cadbury Egg. There was a recall in Canada when it was found some plastic had made its way into the product and someone cut their wouth while eating a Cadbury Egg. Then there was…

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Shadowboxer-Helen Mirren Cuba Gooding, Jr

Shadowboxer is the story of a couple of hitmen played by Cuba Gooding, Jr and Helen Mirren. There is a lot of cold blooded killing of people left and right. But Helen’s killer is ill and not long for this world, so she takes pity on a pregnant woman and spares her life. The rest of the film involves a rather convoluted story of the hitmen hiding this woman and her child from her insane criminal mob boss husband.Cuba Gooding,Jr has always been something of a mystery to me. He hit it big in Jerry Mcguire with Tom Cruise and…

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Mary-Louise Parker, Weeds, and a Big Snake

”I’ve been naked quite a bit, actually,” Parker said of posing with the snake. ”You Google me, you’ll see it all.” True enough, there are a lot of pictures of this pretty young woman from the Showtime cable network floating about. I remember Mary-Louise Parker from Fried Green Tomatoes and Saved, both funny, offbeat movies-without much nudity as I recall. But those were both a few years back, I seem to have missed the forty or so other movies she has made. I don’t watch the West Wing either, but I do like nudity and snakes.The third season of Weeds…

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Karl Rove is Out of the House

To people like me that are not all that happy with the George Bush Whitehouse, but really try not to pay too much attention to it either, Karl Rove is just one more goofy looking politician. While he doesn’t have the screwball name of Scooter, he did do some break dancing with Colin Mochrie and rhymed a little rap. Kind of hard to take much of anything Karl Rove has to say seriously after that.On the other hand, with President Lame Duck sitting in the Oval Office, why should the man that helped to get him there hang around now?…

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