Pamela Anderson to Open Vegas Casino

Too bad Hooters and Twin Peaks are already taken, since Planet Pammy sounds kind of lame for the name of Las Vegas Casino. The story goes that Pamela Anderson is now dating Magician Hans Klok after being his assistant in his Las Vegas show. How hard are those Las Vegas Show tickets to get? She’s at The Aladdin Resort and Casino Las Vegas-which is now the Hardrock Casino Las Vegas. Pamela Anderson is so in love with Las Vegas she wants to open her own Vegas Casino. The value of Las Vegas homes must be going up even as we…

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Mississippi Fattest State Three Years Running

With 30.6 percent of adults weighting in as obese, Mississippi leads the nation as the Fattest State. Other fattest states include West Virginia 29.8, Alabama 29.4, Louisiana 28.2, South Carolina 27.8, Tennessee 27.8, Kentucky 27.5, Arkansas 27.0, Indiana 26.8, Michigan 26.8, Oklahoma 26.8, Missouri 26.3, and my home fattest state-Texas 26.3. The other common factor that these fattest states have is that there are a lot of poor people living in them as well as fat people. Anyone that has tried to live on a ‘healthful’ diet of fresh fruits and vegetables knows that those fruits and veggies cost a…

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James Blunt’s Your Beautiful Most Irritating Song of All Time

James Blunt tells his critics: “Off to the counsellor with you, mate. Because it’s nothing to do with me. I’m pretty sure I’m not a horrid person. I don’t think I am.”Of course any fan of Doctor Demento will be able to list a few really irritating songs. My Name is Larry-Wild Man FischerDead Puppies-Ogden EdselFishheads-Barnes and BarnesThe Scotsman-Bryan BowersBulbous Bouffant – Radio Free VestibuleThe Smoke-Off – Shel SilversteinWet Dream – Kip AddottaThe Happy Happy Joy Joy Song – Ren & StimpyThe Chanukah Song – Adam Sandler But these will do in a pinch. Top Ten Most Irritation Songs of…

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Owen Wilson Money Can’t Buy Happiness

Owen Wilson seems to have attempted suicide yesterday. We are always surprised when someone rich and famous tries to off themselves. If having everything in the world isn’t enough, what hope is there for the rest of us? But the problem is not one of wealth and celebrity, it is one of brain chemistry and personality.The stereotype of the mad artist is a stereotype for a reason. The traits that made Owen Wilson seek the brightness of the spotlight are the same ones that can depress him if he thinks things are not the way they should be. We don’t…

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Britney Spears Takes Her Top Off, Again-Yawn

This would be breaking news if Britney Spears could manage to be photographed fully clothed. It is interesting that these photos look as good as they do, since the Britney Spears we all know and love to make fun of hasn’t looked this hot in years.Of course, she does have that vapid Britney Spears look in her eyes that seems to say the lights are on but no one has been home for a long time. There is a rumor going around that The Donald wants do an Apprentice reality show with Britney, Paris, and Lindsey. I wonder if they…

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USA’s The 4400 This is a Good Sci Fi Show

This is the forth season of USA networks The 4400, the story of 4400 people who were abducted at various times in the past and then returned to the present in one big group. They all have 4400 ‘abilities’ which make them superhuman in some unpredictable way. The first season was kind of cheesy and the main focus was that we met a new 4400 each week and saw how their power was really screwing up their lives. They have pretty much given up on that kind of story now, though they still have a little slug line at the…

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ABC’s Masters of Science Fiction #4 The Discarded

In the last of the four episodes airing, out of the six that ABC has of Masters of Science Fiction, we find a group of mutants living on a space ship and slowly going mad. Brain Dennehy stars as a man with a really big arm. John Hurt, best known to sci fi fans as the unfortunate crew member that had the Alien burst out of his chest, here has a whole second person sticking out of his chest. This is science fiction as morality play, but it would be nice if someone in the story had some morals. The…

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Good Luck Chuck Jessica Alba and Ice Cream

Jessica Alba holds a melting ice cream cone in one of the promo posters for Good Luck Chuck. I’m guessing they couldn’t talk her into letting it drip off her tongue, but I’m also guessing that is what they wanted. The other two promo ads feature Jessica Alba’s co-stars in other sexually suggestive poses.One man appears to be getting a blowjob while the other holds up a grapefruit with a hole in it that suggests he couldn’t find a nice warm apple pie. Funny that Jessica Alba’s picture is the tamest of the three.The other images that is getting a…

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Sreenwriter Nora Ephron

Every year at the Oscars they have that little role of honor of thing where they list all the dead members of the Academy from the last year. There are always a few big stars that you say, oh, I didn’t know they died. Then there are all these other people, like screenwriters and lighting techs and people that invented the Panavision Movie Camera. In short, a bunch of people you never heard of before.Nora Ephron is not dead, not yet anyway. She wrote the screenplay for two of my all time favorite movies, When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless…

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Rudy’s Barbecue The Best Worst BarBQ in Texas

Rudy’s Barbecue is slow cooked, slow smoked, and quickly eaten. This is real Texas Barbecue. Their logo says The Worst Barb-B-Q in Texas, but that is just a marketing gimmick, they are among the best. In Dallas the big name in Barbecue is Sonny Bryant’s, and they do have pretty good sauce, but they have some of the blandest, dullest, driest barbecue I’ve ever eaten. Cover it with enough sauce and it is not that bad, but real Texas barbecue, like the kind you find at Rudy’s Barbecue, doesn’t have to be hidden under a thick layer of sauce to…

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