Oprah was in Macon, GA for Oprah’s Favorite Things episode, where she gave out lots of goodies to lucky audience members. While in Macon, Oprah at a hotdog at Nu-Way, one of my personal favorite hotdog places. Oprah later said that the Nu-Way hotdog were her favorite thing about her visit to Macon.
Among Oprah’s Favorite Things we find all kinds of way cool gadgets. The Samsung Progressive HD Camcorder SC-HMX10C, but to me it looks just like the Samsung SC-HMX10 8GB Flash Memory High Definition Camcorder with 10x Optical Zoom, but then, I am not really a camcorder person.
UGG® Australia Classic Crochet Tall Boot is also on the list, though I am not extactly sure why you would want to wear a Crocheted Boot.
TOYWATCH Crystal and Colored Crystal Watch, I’ve never been all about the bling, baby. But these Gucci lookalikes are kind of cute.
Perfect Endings Cupcakes from Williams-Sonoma, hey, it’s hard not to put something from Williams-Sonoma on Oprah’s Favorite Things list. Just going in for a free sample of hot cider is worth a trip to the mall.
Melamine Bowls, Measuring Cups and Spoons from Williams-Sonoma, you can never have too many bowls.
The rest of Oprah’s Favorite Things are way cool as well. Not surprising, Oprah has pretty good taste. So check out Oprah’s Favorite Things and maybe even buy one or two.
The Artisan Stand Mixer from KitchenAid Home Appliances is the mixer that all wanna be chefs dream of owning, even if they don’t really plan on using it much. I would think this is one of Oprah’s Favorite Things to look at, and maybe not her favorite thing to use. For each pink Stand Mixer purchased and registered,
KitchenAid will donate $50 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
The Discovery Channel’s Planet Earth DVD Set, more than five years in the making. Does Oprah sit around the house watching a lot of TV, or only the really good stuff? Discovery is honored to support the protection and conservation efforts of Steve & Terri Irwin’s wildlife conservation fund – Wildlife Warriors Worldwide.
Kai Body Butter and Body Buffer, while I have never been a big fan of Body Butter myself, I do like rather a lot of lotions and skin care products, and if it’s one of Oprah’s Favorite Things, it must be the best Body Butter around. As far as buffing goes, it sounds more like something for a car than for a person.
CLARISONIC Skin Care System, more pampering for your skin, and another chance to help fight breast cancer. Limited Edition – When you purchase the pink Clarisonic, $10 from every purchase will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation.
Claus Porto Soaps from Lafco New York, available in nice gift sets. Ah yes, there are few things as nice as soaking in a warm tub and using a really nice bar of soap to get yourself ready for the day. Be sure to check out all the different kinds of soap that Claus Porto Soaps make.
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, nice to see that books are still on the list of Oprah’s Favorite Things.
Breville Ikon Panini Press, Italian style snacks and sandwiches in minutes, now that sounds pretty good to me. If you can’t find the Ikon, give the Breville SG820XL Maxi 2-in-1 Panini Press a try.
HDTV Refrigerator with Weather and Info Center from LG Electronics Model LSC27991, now this looks like it belongs on Oprah’s Favorite Things, who besides Oprah needs an HDTV on their Fridge?
Approximate value: $3,799
Ciao Bella Blood Orange Sorbetto, hmm, a dessert that my hero Dexter would like. You have to love an orange that has red flesh, don’t you? And who doesn’t like ice cream? Ok, really fancy ice cream.
Approximate value: $4.99/pint at select grocery stores
800-3-GELATO (1-800-343-5286);
Rachel Pally Swing Turtleneck and Sailor Pants
Approximate value: Swing Turtleneck $141;
Sailor Pants $194
www.rachelpally.com; Nordstroms stores
www.nordstroms.com and www.shopbop.com
Scrabble Premier Edition from Hasbro
Approximate value: $70
888-836-7025; www.scrabble.com
United Artists 90th Anniversary Prestige Collection
Approximate value: $869.98
Available in stores December 11. Pre-order at
www.Amazon.com, www.BestBuy.com and
Shaklee Get Clean™ Starter Kit
Approximate value: $89.60
800-670-6251; www.shaklee.com
O’s Guide to Life
Approximate value: $29.95
Available wherever books are sold or online at
Josh Groban’s Noel CD
Available wherever music is sold and online at