The self righteous, adulterous, caring mother and hard as nails Nurse Jackie returns to Showtime. The end of season 1 was a great cliffhanger, but we kind of skip over most of that and get back to the normal business of being in a hospital full of slightly insane health care workers.
Oh there is still a bit of drama over Jackie’s lover, but she has decided to ignore his constant text messages and get on with her life of doing good and doing drugs. Besides, she was only banging Eddie to get free drugs-and now that he has been replaced with a machine that’s one less thing she has to do everyday.
Doc Cooper-the world’s biggest asshole-has a Twitter account, DoctorCooper. We see Doctor Cooper tweeting in the second episode and Showtime is going add these tweets in real time as Nurse Jackie is aired on the East Coast. It seems like a cute idea, we’ll have to see how it goes.
We see most of the same faves again and pick up where we left off. Jackie’s husband and still nice and still clueless. One of Jackie’s daughter seems normal and completely forgettable while the other is worried about the end of the world and the house burning down. Jackie’s lover Eddie is still hanging around and still sort of stalking Jackie and her family. Zoey is still a little dim and is overly thrilled when the stoned out of her mind British Doctor gives her a Hermes scarf-which she wears in various styles.
There is also the usual business of some tragedy happening in the ER and Nurse Jackie trying to do the right thing when no one else can be bothered.
Nurse Jackie is a good show.