Fox’s New Amsterdam is the story of an immortal looking for his one true love to he can be mortal once more. Along the way he solves crimes, spouts off obscure facts about the city of New York, and occasionally meets up with people from his former lives. To help make ends meet, the hero of New Amsterdam occasionally whips out a piece of period furniture-seeing as he was a great carpenter in one of his many cover stories.
This is a good show. The writing is crisp and funny. The actors are great. The silliness of whether or not he will ever meet his one true love-and if in fact he already has, but didn’t get a good look at her.
It looks good, the plot is thick and wandering, and if it hadn’t been for the Writer’s Strike, we would likely have never seen more than two or three episodes of New Amsterdam. Fox hates sci-fi show, especially really good sci-fi shows. But they keep airing one or two episodes of really good science fiction shows and then axing them as quickly as they can. Odd that.
The message boards at Fox have several Save New Amsterdam threads going, but the odds of this show being brought back from the dead are slim-as few shows ever come back. E! online had a Save It or Sink It poll for New Amsterdam and with 74% of those voting saying Save It. New Amsterdam is also the most popular Fox on Demand show-which should at least be a hint to the Powers That Be at Fox that someone wants to see more New Amsterdam episodes. Usually this kind of fan interest causes someone to start an Online Petition to Save New Amsterdam, but if there is one, I haven’t found it. I don’t know how to start such a petition myself, nor who I would send it to if I did start one. But if someone does get one going, I’d be glad to give them a link.