Ah to relax, what could be easier? You lean back and close your eyes and wait for someone to come and bother you. No wait, you take a deep breath and let it out slowly, before the phone rings again. Or maybe you just sit still and let the worries of the world drift way, while you think about that next project you need be working on.
Hmm, relaxing is not really all that easy. That’s why Holosync, InnerTalk, Dane Spotts and Kelly Howell are doing so well. They all make these cool little relaxation CDs where you put on the earphones and tune out the world.
I’ve been mediating for about thirty years or so and it does have a very calming effect. So National Relaxation Day would be a great time to look into some self hypnosis, subliminal self help, and just plain old mind expansion. In thirty minutes you are completely relaxed. The interesting thing about most of the Binaural stuff is that it really does work at a very deep level of consciousness.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with a walk in the park and a snooze under a tree either.