The laziest man I ever met put popcorn in his pancakes so they would turn over by themselves. W.C. Fields
National Pancake Day is the brainchild of IHOP. Maybe it isn’t just something whipped up for lazy bloggers to write about, but why not? It’s for a good cause- the Children’s Miracle Network. You go in and they give you a short stack(3) of their buttermilk pancakes-from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. They would like you to make a donation while your there. Hmm, free pancakes.
I found a stack of old Gourmet Magazines at a garage sale one time, and there was a recipe for Apple Pancakes in requested recipes section. I read the recipe and found that I could follow it, not always the case with Gourmet. So I went out and bought an apple and a few other ingredients and whamo, apple pancakes. These were regular fried in a pan pancakes with the apple bits kind of floating in random spots. It was a way cool looking pancake and tasted amazing. I have long since lost the old copy of Gourmet Magazine and have not run across another recipes that seemed exactly the same. Such is life.
I have more one pancake recollection. When I was a kid I went to Mississippi with Dear Old Dad and we stopped at a truck stop for breakfast. We ordered pancakes, just as would in Denny’s or Sambo’s, but these were monster pancakes that lapped over the edge of the plate. In my childish memory these pancakes were at least an inch thick and it was virtually impossible to eat them all. From that moment forward when Mom cooked us pancakes, we would always ask for Mississippi Pancakes.