NaNoWriMo word count as of day 4: 8478.
When I first started blogging The Wife told me that I was wasting a lot of time and words that could have been going toward The Great American Novel, or at least, a novel anyway.
But the fact of the matter is that most of my blog posts clock in around three hundred words-more or less. Still, over the past few years I could have amassed enough words for a novel or two. The main difference between a novel and blogging, for me anyway, is that a novel has an ongoing thread.
I have always had the ability to sit down and bang out a couple of thousand words, and I am not having any troubles here in the first week of NaNoWriMo. No my trouble will come after the month is over and I have to sit down and edit what I have written. I have always had a hard time with writing that second or third draft and have never made it all the way to a finial draft.
I have submitted a lot of short stories over the years, though none recently. I have always had the idea that I could write that novel and get it published, if I just took the time to do it. Which is pretty much what most would be writers say-hence the birth of National Novel Writing Month. I am writing a Vampire novel, a genre I found that I liked long ago when Anne Rice was the only game in town. Now it seems everyone is writing vamp novels, so why not one more?
So if you write it, you still have to edit it. But Edit A Novel Month would just be no fun at all.