To benefit MS research and advocacy through the Judy Finelli Fund. The Judy Finelli Fund advocates cures and treatments of MS, promotes artistic expression through circus arts and enables those affected by MS to pursue their passions. 100% of the net profits from the sale of each calendar goes to the Judy Finelli Fund.-Naked Clown Calendar
Well, I’m all for raising money in any way you can, but there is just something odd about a naked clown calendar. For some reason I expect to see Clown White all the way down and not just on their faces. After all, clowns are normally totally covered with only their pale faces showing. So it would stand to reason that a naked clown would be all white with the occasional splash of color here and there.
Graduates of San Francisco’s Clown Conservatory-well, that’s just silly anyway, isn’t it?-have stripped down for the 2009 Naked Clown Calendar. I’m sure its the kind of thing that would make any clown’s parent proud. Of course, they are doing it for a good cause. You do have to wonder how many people will buy a naked clown calendar.
The clown’s hope to raise a million dollars with their Naked Clown Calendar, and they just might do it. Naked Firefighter Calendars have been successful, as was that naked little old lady calendar in England. Seems to be all the rage to have a naked calendar these days. I just hope the Shriners don’t decide to have their own Naked Clown Calendar-that would just be scary.