I’ve been interested in Absinthe for a number of years. It is one of those odd and wonderful things that has been outlawed, but is now legal again. From time to time I tried to make my own poor version of absinthe with very little success. Now that it is legal, I have not rushed out to buy a bottle.
But I did buy an Absinthe Spoon.
I have also read a number of books on and about Absinthe. Johnny Depp drank a lot of absinthe in From Hell and the Green Fairy has made a lot of cameos in the movies over the years. Anthony Bourdain had some old world absinthe on the first episode of No Reservations. Van Gogh and Hemingway seemed to like it.
I don’t drink, but I like the whole idea of absinthe, that whole bit of business where the green liquid turns a cloudy white when you add water. I also have a great weakness for black jelly beans, which some absinthe is said to taste like. But licorice is there just to balance out the mind numbing bitterness of the wormwood. I found a candy bar once that was absinthe flavored and the mixture of chocolate and licorice is totally weird. But I liked it.
Anyway, I bought this absinthe spoon some time ago, long before it was legal and long before I was likely have any chance to put it to use. So I was at work today and digging around in one of my boxes and what should I find? My absinthe spoon.
Now I do tend to have all kinds of odds and ends at work. I carry books, hand lotion, snacks, and the usual bits of business needed to take portraits. I have never had the urge to run out and buy a bottle of absinthe and take it to work with me. So I have to wonder why I had my absinthe spoon in a box of work stuff.
I like the idea of absinthe, but I am not likely to drink it-and certainly not while I’m a work.

I don’t like black licorice so this isn’t something I would drink. I don’t get the spoon thing at all and I went and looked. Shows what I know about bar tending. Guessing here.
Illegal? I didn’t know this was ever illegal, well except during prohibition.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Absinthe had been banned in the United States since 1912 and was only made legal again in 2007.
Something about the stuff making people go insane or get depressed or something.