With 30.6 percent of adults weighting in as obese, Mississippi leads the nation as the Fattest State.
Other fattest states include West Virginia 29.8, Alabama 29.4, Louisiana 28.2, South Carolina 27.8, Tennessee 27.8, Kentucky 27.5, Arkansas 27.0, Indiana 26.8, Michigan 26.8, Oklahoma 26.8, Missouri 26.3, and my home fattest state-Texas 26.3.
The other common factor that these fattest states have is that there are a lot of poor people living in them as well as fat people. Anyone that has tried to live on a ‘healthful’ diet of fresh fruits and vegetables knows that those fruits and veggies cost a lot more than a pound of fatty hamburger meat and a box of Hamburger Helper. But the problem is often worse than that, it is so much easier and cheaper to just have a dollar burger, some fries and a free refill soda. The working poor don’t have the time or ability to cook healthful foods and are forced to eat junk food.
The fattest states are around the Southern States, where Kentucky Fried Chicken and Krispy Kreme Donuts are kings. But there is no one standing over us with a gun saying we have to eat them everyday. Nor is there a law that says we can’t turn off the TV and workout once in a while.
It’s easy to go the usual route and blame TV, fast food, and poverty, the fact of the matter is that we are a nation of fat asses by our own actions. No one wants to accept anything that could be even remotely called personal responsibility for their own actions. Still, I thought I might mention it anyway.

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