Drew Sharp had this cute idea that all Micheal Vick needs to get straightened out is to spend a little quality time on Oprah’s couch. If Oprah could just get him to jump around a few times like Tom Cruise then his legacy would be assured. The only problem with this idea is that Oprah Winfrey is long past her ambulance chasing days. Oprah does not need to be associated in any way with Michael Vick and Dog Fighting.
It is good advice to get Oprah to help Vick, just as it would be good advice to tell a new author; ‘Hey, get your book featured in Oprah’s Bookclub and you’ll be set.’ Well, Duh. While we’re at it, it would be really nice if Oprah mentioned If You Write It and put a link to my blog on her homepage at Oprah.com.
The fact of the matter is that billionaire Oprah loves animals, shows off her dogs on a semi-regular basis and is likely one of the people hoping that Michael Vick falls down a deep well and is never heard from again. Oprah is now all feel-good and you-can-do-it. Oprah’s big on Personnel Responsibility and You Get What You Ask For, Whether You Want It Or Not.
Michael Vick is all about Michael Vick. Fighting dogs, betting on the outcome, and killing the losers is bad, Michael. Really, really bad. Vick seems truly baffled that people hate him and all the rest of us are truly baffled that there are so many people standing up to defend him. The latest argument seems to be hey, we have all these other criminals in the NFL, so we need to let Vick back in so he can make a living. No, we need to run the other bastards out and ban them all forever. There is talk of a system being put into place that would automatically ban for life anyone who becomes a felon. Sounds like a plan to me. Sounds a plan that should have already been in place.
In the meantime, Vick can think about that book tour he’ll be on with O.J. Simpson and Pete Rose when he gets out of the slammer.