Michael Irvin, The Playmaker, was voted into the NFL Hall of Fame in his third year of eligibility. He joins his quarterback Troy Aikman and several other Cowboys including Tom Landry and Bob Lily. Emmitt Smith will likely join the triplets in Canton in a few years.
Like most people here in Dallas, good enough was never good enough for our Cowboys. We won Superbowls, and that is the way ti was supposed to be. “We” won them. Michael helps a bit though.
I have two main memories of Micheal Irvin from those glory days, One is after one of the Superbowl victories. A reporter walks up to Irvin and asks him if he thinks they will the Superbowl next year. This is literally minutes after winning the game. Irvin stares at the reporter and says, “Can we at least enjoy winning this one first?”
The other memory is of his walking into court wearing a full length mink coat. You have to wonder if that other football player name Michael could pull that off on his day in court. Of course, our Micheal was just living the life and partying hard. There were some grumbles over his going into the Hall of Fame because of his off field activities. But in the end, the three Superbowl rings won the day.
So congrats Michael, enjoy winning this one today.