For the Blogging Purist, blogging for money is not a good thing. An ad free blog is a mark of pride and those greedy sorts that want to make a few bucks with all those banners and text ads, well, they are to be pitied.
And there are a lot of people who try to make money blogging-without much success. The common gripe about blogging for profit is there not being enough profits-like 3 cents a day with Adsense, or something like that. When I first started blogging for cash my plan was to have a three pronged approach. One post would be my normal random stuff. One post would be a top ten Google Trend topic. And one post would be keyword dense on a high dollar topic. It was a lot more work than I thought it would be to earn money blogging. And while it was possible to get a few hundred hits a day this way, the Adsense money was still not exactly Retire to The South of France Money.
So I did a few paid posts to get blogging money, again with heavy keyword content, and made a few blog bucks that way. I never had any luck with PayPerPost, or whatever they are calling themselves these days. Blogsvertise has given me the occasional paid to blog task and has paid me promptly. Smorty is another good get paid to blog place. But the trouble with paid posts is the same trouble as with Adsense, blogging for dollars amount has never been enough. I am not one of those bloggers that can keep fifty money making blogs going at once and write a paid post a day to each of them. And even if I was, it still would be not be blogging for big bucks.
So my most recent effort has been on the Affiliate front, where it is possible to make money with a blog, but I haven’t figured out how just yet. I’ve been with Commission Junction, off and on for a few years. Until recently never had a sale on any of blogging for money affiliate programs I have joined. has been pretty good and I have had a few blog money payouts that were equal to about a day’s pay at my real job. Still not exactly dancing in the streets money.
I still read books and think I am learning a few things about how to make money blogging. The stories of people who make money blogging about Ipods and getting fifteen thousand hits a day or the guy making money blogging reviews of the best seats on airplanes-are interesting, but don’t seem to apply to me. Seth Gordin mentions bloggers that make a million dollars a year blogging, but that blogger may well be Seth Gordin himself. Problogger‘s guide to making six figures blogging sounds interesting, but just flipping through it at a bookstore it looked like more of the same old same old. But I do like most of Probloggers ideas for making money with blogs.
There are magic numbers in blogging for dollars blogging. Get ten thousand hits a day and start blogging to the bank. Have ten thousand pages on your blog and you’ll have a money making blog. Keep blogging for ten years and you’ll have a make money blog. Have an email list of a million readers and blast them a newsletter every two weeks with a few well placed ads and make money. Blog profits, like real world profits, often come down to large raw numbers.
So why do I ruin a perfectly good, random nonsense blog with Internet money making ideas? Hope springs eternal. I like blogging and I would like to make my living from blogging one day. I keep plugging away and who knows, maybe that big money blog will happen.
Blog for money, or blog for fun. Why not both?

Blog for earning money and also for fun is a very good idea. If we are very web savvy, or if we can learn to become very web savvy, then we can have an excellent shot of making enough money from our blog to cover all the living expenses. Nice post.