It’s a fantastic moment. We can now look forward to a new era of understanding about the origins and evolution of the universe-Dr Lyndon Evans, leader of the Large Hadron Collider.
In a bit of Science Fiction becoming reality the Large Hadron Collider sent it’s first beam out, or down, or whatever you call zipping out a particle in the LHC. It’s the kind of place that Terminators go to go to die. Just the kind of tech that Skynet needs to get started.
The first test was just to see if worked, after spending about 5 billion pounds it’s good to know that it might do what it is supposed to do. It starts doing serious work in about a month or so. One of the worries about the Large Hadron Collider is that the Mad Scientists are going to create a singularity, which is one of those way cool little doodad that our Universe started from. So what happens if they succeed? Why, the birth of a whole new universe of course. So if your busy going about your normal routine in about a month or so and the world suddenly ceases to exist, you’ll know what happened.
Of course, this isn’t really likely to happen, just as it wasn’t really likely that the first atomic bomb would burn up the Earth’s atmosphere. But it is a small concern for those of us who kind of like the universe as it is. Not that I have anything against killer black holes or singularities, I just don’t want one in my neighborhood.
So what good is this giant atom smasher if it isn’t going to bring about the end of the universe? It’s supposed to be a really good telescope, so good that it can see what the universe is made of. Dark Matter, that wonderful stuff that may or may not exist and may or may not be what the universe is filled with, will be visible to the LHC.
This will lead of a fuller understand of all kinds of stuff. The idea has been postulated that the neutralino is the best candidate for dark matter. And if the LHC does its job, we will be able to crank out our own neutrlinos. Why we would want to do such a thing is a question I have no answer for. Dark Matter sounds like the bad guy from a cheap sci fi flick. In a world where Dark Matter has covered the Sun, one man must push the button on the HLC. . .
Or it might be like the Canals on Mars, a really cool idea that turned out not to be exactly right.

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