20% OFF Photo books, Calendars & Cards at the Kodak Gallery!
It’s easier than ever to take your own photos, and thanks to services like Kodak Easy Share Gallery it is also easier to get real, honest to goodness prints from all those digital images. Firefox has added the Firefox Compaion for Kodak EasyShare Gallery. The site says it makes it easier than ever to share your photos. But to be honest, I have had mixed results with all of the Add-ons I have used with Firefox. But maybe that is just bad karma and the Kodak EasyShare Galley add-on will work just fine.
Consumer Search said that Kodak EasyShare Gallery is the Best Digital Photo Printer.
You can create your own Gallery album in the Kodak EasyShare Gallery store. You get the best quality Kodak prints and you can even make a Kodak Gallery calendar. Solve all your digital print problems with Kodak EasyShare Gallery albums, Kodak EasyShare Gallery stickers, Kodak Easy Share Gallery collages, and more.
You’ll find fun items like Kodak Gallery mugs, Kodak EasyShare Gallery magnets, or even a set of Kodak EasyShare Gallery coasters at the Kodak Gallery store. Set up a Kodak EasyShare Gallery online photo album, or make Kodak greeting cards for family and friends. Get some Kodak Gallery stickers for the kids to slap on thier lunch boxes. For the more serious photographer, make Kodak EsayShare Gallery photo books with your Kodak online photo album.
Shop the Kodak EasyShare Gallery for all your digital photography needs. It’s easy and fast. You’ll find everything from designs by Martha Stewart to a necktie with whatever image you want repeated endlessly across it. You can also get a Kodak Gallery Archive CD with all your photos safely stored in one place.
There is a slight possiblity of confusion with the name, since Kodak EasyShare is what Kodak has decided to call a lot of its cameras, calling their photo service website EasyShare as well seems to be taking a good idea one step too far. But it is easy enough to drop the EasyShare out of Kodak EasyShare Gallery and find it online. Then get yourself some real prints with Kodak Gallery.
Just remember, an empty shoe box is a terrible thing to waste.