I live in the Fort Worth/Dallas Metroplex in the great state of Texas. I’ve spent some time in Austin and San Antonio and several other spots around the state. Most people don’t talk with a drawl or a twang, most people don’t wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots, and most people don’t have pet long horn cattle. At least, most of the people I have known. Killer Women, like Dallas before it, is chock full o stereotypes. Everyone wears leather and denim and has at least one mounted animal on their wall. It’s nice to see Texas on the small screen, but this is a Texas from some alternate reality where everyone can look at a piece of pottery and announce which tribe it came from. I guess it’s no worse than Jersey being inhabited by nothing but Guidos or Virginia being filled with Scarlet O’Haras. But seriously, a little girl had a stuffed armadillo toy? Really?
Our hero is a Texas Ranger who wears a cowboy hat and a hand tooled leather gun-belt and spends a lot of time looking surprised. It’s a good look for her. It’s a mostly standard issue crime mystery show except that the bad guys are all women and the cop is a woman. When she isn’t out chasing down the villains she has domestic problems with her State Senator husband who refuses to give her a divorce and her brother-in-law who might be a sleazebag-he’s the one with the pet longhorn. Her boyfriend has a small airplane and a small ranch. Just another average Texan like JR Ewing.
Set dressing issued aside, I like the cast of Killer Women. Tricia Helfer was amazing in Battlestar Galatica. Marc Blucas was fun to watch in Buffy The Vampire Slayer. And Michael Trucco is also a Battlestar alum. The rest of the cast isn’t as familiar, but they all look good.
Killer Woman joins the growing list of shows that were not very good, but were given a shot anyway. It seems Killer Women will complete it runs, but don’t expect to see it again after that. It will soon be replaced by a geek drama starting Christen Slater-which kind of sounds like his last TV show that didn’t last too long.

“Most people don’t talk with a drawl or a twang,”
Except for everyone I have ever met or talked to from there 🙂
I suppose the accent-free folks are kept locked indoors or something.
Well now, I reckon I might have misspoken thar a bit. Fixn ta lit out over yonder and feed my own longhorn. Show nuff.
Adjust your bolo tie, and make sure the Stetson is tilted to a jaunty angle as you ease your Mustang (the type that eats hay) into the freeway.