To people like me that are not all that happy with the George Bush Whitehouse, but really try not to pay too much attention to it either, Karl Rove is just one more goofy looking politician. While he doesn’t have the screwball name of Scooter, he did do some break dancing with Colin Mochrie and rhymed a little rap. Kind of hard to take much of anything Karl Rove has to say seriously after that.
On the other hand, with President Lame Duck sitting in the Oval Office, why should the man that helped to get him there hang around now? I wouldn’t be all that surprised if Bush himself retired to Crawford for the rest of his term in office. Maybe the President and Karl Rove could go duck hunting with Dick Cheney. Sorry, Dick, but you do know everyone hates you, don’t you?
When Bush won the Presidential election the joke in Texas was that we were all just glad to have him out of the state. That pretty much goes for all of his posse as well, Karl.
Hey, Karl Rove, there are some really nice places in Maine I think you’d like. You’ll find some of your kind of people in Kennebunkport, and you’ll be good and far away from Texas.