Karen Allen was the star of a couple great Sci Fi/Fantasy Movies-Raiders of The Lost Ark and Starman-then she pretty much disappeared. This is not at all uncommon, most stars of Sci Fi/Fantasy films and television shows tend to have short shelf lives. Many former film and TV stars find other things to do-writing, directing, painting, or in the case of Karen Allen-knitting.
Karen Allen Fiber Arts features the many fine and interesting knitted items designed by Karen Allen and cranked out on a number of large knitting machines. The Wife has been using a knitting machine, knitting hoops, and is starting to work on using actual knitting needles. She likes to make Dr Who style scarves and Harry Potter scarves, though she does a few of her own designs as well. Karen Allen’s scarves come in a baffling array of patterns and styles-the cashmere ones cost around 375 dollars. Ribbed scraves like the Wife makes cost about $160.
Having seen Karen Allen at one of her knitting machines on CBS Sunday Morning, where she did that kind of knitting dance of moving the shuttle back and forth, I wonder if that really counts has hand made. Of course, real machine madeknitting is whipped out by the mile, not by the yard. So, I guess it is still made by hand. Karen Allen Fiber Arts are really good looking.
Karen Allen Fiber Arts uses a Brother 910 Knitting Machine, and judging from the Sunday Morning story a lot more than one. Brother made a lot of knitting machines over the years, and there are a few on eBay.
The designs from Karen Allen Fiber Art are simply beautiful. I like the patterns that seem to repeat and twist and turn back upon themselves. The colors are bold and well matched. I like the look of the sweaters, but I am not sure I would be willing to pay $700 for one myself. Still, Karen Allen Fiber Arts are arts, not crafts. The dyed fabrics are pretty and kind of a flashback to the good old days as well.
It was fun seeing Karen Allen in Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, but I like Karen Allen Fiber Arts as well.

I just saw the new Indy movie for the second time, the main reason just to once again see that smile she flashes when he tells her “None of them were you, dear.” She looks like she’s 16!
So GREAT to see her back in the series….it was a big mistake to leave her out of the two sequels prior to this one.
Judy Pancoast
Extraordinary Children’s Music
I think your right, the other films would have been better if she had been in them.
She does look rather good, must be all that knitting that keeps her in such good shape.