In what seems a bit of a shocker to me, Joss Whedon’s new show Dollhouse will air on the much hated Fox Network. Much hated because they butchered the airing of Joss Whedon’s Firefly by showing it out of order, only airing a handful of episodes, and generally sabotaging Firefly before it had a chance to build any kind of following. Sci fi shows have a history of not being strong right out of the gate. Star Trek didn’t really take off until it had been canceled for several years.
Ok, what about Dollhouse? From what I have seen so far it looks like a cross between Fantasy Island and West World-Dollhouse is about a group of “Dolls,” or “Actives,” who can be programmed to be anyone and do anything-for paying clients. When they’re not out on a programmed mission, they’re “blank,” amnesiac and childlike in the Dollhouse.
The star of Dollhouse is ‘Faith’ from Buffy The Vampire Slayer-Eliza Dushku. It seems that ‘Fred’-Amy Acker from Joss Whedon’s Angel will also be in Dollhouse. There have been rumors flying around Dollhouse for a few months now. Seems the Writer’s Strike put the brakes on the whole thing, as it did with many other shows. But now they have finished filming the first episode and life in the Dollhouse goes on.
i09 has a lot of rumors, spoilers, and even a few script pages. The LA Times has an interview with Joss Whedon in which he mentions in passing that ‘Wonder Woman’ has crashed and burned and that he was working on another movie called ‘Goners.’ Dollhouse was Eliza Dushku’s idea- since being an actress basically means you have to be whoever someone else wants you to be for as long as they want you to be it.
There also a blog called Dollverse which seems to be to the minute on what is going on with Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse. Whedonesque also has a lot of info about the Dollhouse. Clearly I am more than a bit out of the loop on this one. But I now that I know about it, I am looking forward to seeing Dollhouse-though it seems it won’t be airing until January 2009.

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