“To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist,” Jennifer Love Hewitt wrote, “put on a bikini — put it on and stay strong.”
Jennifer Love Hewitt in a bikini on the beach is a whole other country from Christina Aguilera and Vanessa Anne Hudgens striping down for the camera.
This is the world where Princess Di suffers death by paparazzi at three in the morning. Jennifer Love Hewitt was on the beach wearing a bikini, and for some reason this has been big news on the Internet. Can you say Slow News Day?
I find these images a bit disturbing, there is something fundamentally wrong with taking these kinds of photos. And I don’t mean that a 28 year old Jennifer Love Hewiit in a bikini doesn’t look like an 18 year Jennifer Love Hewitt wearing a bikini.
No, its the fact that Jennifer Love Hewitt is so obviously happy in these images. She is laughing and unguarded. It’s the kind of moment a portrait photographer might capture, except, that it wasn’t a portrait photographer that took the Jennifer Love Hewitt bikini photos. Forget about all the legal mumbo-jumbo about an expected right to privacy- how about a right to decency? Do we really need photos of every celebrity during every moment of their lives?
Several years ago John Cougar Mellencamp was on tour and he was playing Reunion Arena in Dallas. A local DJ found out the name of John Mellencamp’s brother and called up Reunion Arena, pretending to be said brother. He harassed people at the stadium until finally, John Mellencamp came on the line. John sounded worried, concerned that something had happened, why else would his brother be calling him right before a show? He said something like-What is it? I’m about to go on stage. When the DJ said, oh, I’m so-and-so on such-and-such radio station John Mellecamp hung up. That little exchange has always bothered me. This is simple violation of decency, just like the Jennifer Love Hewitt bikini photos.
Maybe John Mellencamp is used to be people screwing around with him, but maybe it was still a shock to hear that his brother was calling him when he was about to go on stage. Maybe Jennifer Love Hewitt should be used to people sneaking around and taking her photo. But I’ll bet she isn’t used to be called fat and ugly, and maybe there’s no reason that she be.
Chris on BOH thinks it was just a reality check for Jennifer Love Hewitt, while Marissa on Low-Carb Love seems to think it might be a body image issue.