Four new character posters from JJ Abrams‘ Star Trek were revealed at VegasCon 08. Clockwise we have John Cho as Sulu, Simon Pegg as Scotty, Anton Yelchin as Chekov and Karl Urban as McCoy. It’s nice to see a bit of color here, as one of my main complaints about Star Trek Enterprise was that everything was gray-it should have had a tagline-Not in Color.
Judging from the bits of uniform I can see here these are going to be more of the same kind of outfits they used in Star Trek Enterprise. I know that the blinding colors of the Original Series
Uniforms are not likely to be making a come back-but its a movie about The Original Series!
Back in the good old days, the Star Trek logo was the Starship Enterprise logo and each of the 12 ships had their own odd little insignia. The catch lights in the eyes of the new cast is shaped like the Star Trek logo, which is a cute touch.
I’ve been a Star Trek fan for a long time, though I don’t really think of myself as a Trekkie. I don’t own a Star Fleet Uniform or any other Star Trek Uniform for that matter. I used to go to Star Trek Conventions, but that was a long time ago. I would like to see a movie that is more like the Star Trek the Old Series and less like Star Trek Enterprise. You know, plot and character driven, instead of Special Effect and CGI driven. But since I saw JJ Abram’s CGI-o-rama Cloverfield, my hopes for this being a great film are not really all that high.
Of course, it’s Star Trek so I will go and watch it. Besides, its got to be better than the last one-whichever one that was.