LOLCats live and grow on I can has cheezburger? This is one of those sites that just confuses me, which may explain why my blog is not in any one’s top 100 list and not likely to be any time soon. I Can Has Cheez Burger has an Alexa rank of 2,490-most of the silly sites I like have Alexa ranks outside the Top 100,000. ICHC has a Technorati Authority of 11,563 and is Ranked 12 in their Top 100. ICHC has a Google Page Rank of 7. Each post- which usually consists of an image of an animal with a silly caption- has a hundred or more comments and thousands of votes.
It might be sour grapes if I say I am jealous of Boing Boing, as it seems to be a blog about random nonsense much like my own-except that it has a bit more focus and a lot more readers. I can look at Boing Boing and understand what is going on. LOLCats, LOLDogs, LOLKitten, and vast hordes of other LOL Animals-well, these things don’t make me Laugh Out Loud. Ok, they are sort of cute, in a grade school kind of way-something to do while the teacher is talking or your supposed to be reading a dull textbook. I guess work falls into the dull classroom category and maybe it’s bored workers who hang out here. I guess I just don’t get it.
I had never heard ICHC until someone mentioned it to The Wife and she likes it a lot. As far as I know she has not created any LOLCats herself. It may only be a matter of time.
So, am I the only one that doesn’t get I Can Has Cheezburger? What does it say about all the SEO crap about keywords and tags and quality content-written quality content is usually what is advised-when a site made up almost entirely of silly images has all these high ranks? At least PostSecret has the lure of sharing something that may be profound. Or maybe I’m just too much of a grouch for ICHC and prefer the usual bits of betray on PostSecret.