I found a blog that said one of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog was with a Squidoo account and a couple of Lens about said blog. To be perfectly honest Squidoo kind of confuses me. There are all these choices and it takes a bit of time to sort through all the stuff that you sell. Someone said Squidoo was in trouble for having to many spammers on it. Duh. This is like walking into a mall and saying, hey, all these damned people are trying to sell me something!
So I wrote a Spuidoo Lens on Hawaiian Shirts. Here’s a bit of the gripping text.
The early western missionaries didn’t like the sight of all those naked locals running around so they thought it would be a good idea to cover them up. Thus the Hawaiian Shirt was born.
I do like Hawaiian Shirts, or Aloha Shirts as they call them on the Islands of Hawaii. And it was a bit of fun whipping up all the text and ads and whatnots on the Squidoo Lens making tool. It took me a couple of hours though. Not a bad investment of time if it pays off. If anyone every looks at it and then decides to buy something. I am not really sure about making money on Squidoo as I just started and this is my first serious Lens-as they call the Posts on Squidoo. It was easy, but took a bit more thought than I expected. Digg and Reddit and all just let you use a Post from Blogger you have already written. Squidoo is like writing your own webpage. Of course, I guess that is the idea. But it is all laid out in easy step by step instructions. Anyone can whip up a good lens if they put some thought into it. I have a couple of more ideas already. But it will be a few days before I tackle another one.
Some of the pioneers of the Hawaiian shirt were Musa Shiya, Kamehameha,Watamulls, Kahala, Alfred Shaheen, Surfriders, and Duke Kahanamoku. Everyone from John Wayne and Frank Sinatra to President Harry S. Truman were wearing Hawaiian Shirts.
I didn’t put the following on my Hawaiian Shirt Squidoo Lens as the blog and the Lens are different things, but I did have a few more thoughts on the subject.
I think all men go through phases where clothing is more or less important to them. When your a small child your mom dresses you up like a cowboy and ohs and ahs over you. Once you get into high school you set your own dress code, which usually involves a lot of black and dark blues. But at some point you kind of have to grow up, just a bit. Then you stumble across your first really cool Hawaiian Shirt. Oh you’ve seen Aloha Shirts before, who hasn’t? But this Hawaiian Shirt, it looks good. More to the point, it looks good on you! Because it takes a certain kind of bravado to wear a boldly printed Hawaiian Shirt. But you can pull it off.
Hawaiin Shirts and Squidoo
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