Basil Fawlty: Zoom! What was that? That was your life, Mate! That was quick, do I get another? Sorry, Mate. Back to the world of dreams. Yes, dear?
The older you get, the faster the years zip by. Time was I thought about New Years Resolutions and I actually tried to keep one or two for a few hours. But now I have learned not to even bother. Be happy and damn the torpedoes and like that. Happy New Year, one and all.
There is a new movie called The Bucket List. I have seen the trailer a couple of times, and it looks like most of the we’re dying let’s make the most of it films. Just in the trailer they travel the world, sky dive, and do all kinds of other silly things. The usual implication of these films is that a man of advanced years, as our heroes are, have scads of cash laying around for one last fling around the world. Maybe the old coots won the Lotto and that is the pivotal moment of the story.
When the Travel Channel did A Thousand Places to See Before You Die, I thought, yeah, but those are not my thousand places. There was a one hit wonder a while ago that was full of advice- If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. This is a great song, even when I was young, it was a great song. I tend to look back over the passing year and see only the missed opportunities- but it was a very good year for me. My wife and I have kept busy. My blog has readers. My portraits are selling better than anyone else’s in the district. I am hopeful for the future. I have even been known to use sunscreen while I tic off those places on my list to see before I die.
Happy New Year!
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