“It’s our goal to be as relevant as possible to as many people as we can,” Hallmark spokeswoman Sarah Gronberg Kolell said.
There was a cute cartoon after one of the legalized Gay Marriage stories in which a man was celebrating the announcement. His friend ask him why he was so happy, he wasn’t gay, he was a cold heartless divorce lawyer-the divorce lawyer just smiled.
The Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law estimates that more than 85,000 same-sex couples in the United States have entered into a legal relationship since 1997, when Hawaii started offering some legal benefits to same-sex partners.
It’s estimated nearly 120,000 more couples will marry in California during the next three years—and that means millions of potential dollars for all sorts of wedding-industry businesses. As always, it’s all about the Benjamin.
Gay Greeting Cards seem just as silly to me as regular Greeting Cards. Care Bears and Star Wars and Cute Animals to the max. I’m more of an email kind of guy, and not even that crazy about the way cool little e-cards that you can send. I’ve taken portraits of gay couples over the years and most of them have been buyers-and that’s always the bottom line. So why not have a Hallmark Gay Marriage Card? Just have the courage to call them Wedding Cards, not Social Union Cards or Commitment Cards-which do sound a bit like being locked away for a while.