The writers of the Green Lantern movie must be about my age-they like the Hal Jordan version of the Green Lantern. Neal Adams was the artist that brought my Green Lantern to life. Those were some damned good comics.
The movie stars pretty boy Ryan Renyolds as modern day test pilot Hal Jordan. Hmm, modern day test pilot???? Ok, we’ll skip that bit.
The Green Lantern back-story is force fed through voice overs and more CGI than I have seen in one film since Phantom Menace hit the big screen. The CGI is more than a little over the top, with everyone having a 5 o’clock shadow, glowing Green Lantern logos on their chests, and a monster straight out of LOST, only with a face.
Parallax is the Super Villain who used to be one of the odd little creatures who run the Green Lantern Corp. He escapes from his prison by chance when a group of aliens crash land on his prison world and set him free. He then sets off to kill the Green Lantern that imprisons him, who then dies and passes on the Ring to our hero Hal Jordan.
Well, that killed about an hour-or at least it felt like an hour.
There are lots of CGI things fighting lots of other CGI things. There are CGI aliens, planes, helicopters, buildings, and planets. The CGI is nowhere near as good as the CGI in Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs-and the story and acting are a lot worse.
Green Lantern was not a good movie and it was not a good use of the comic book source material. Like all fans of Green Lantern, I’ve been waiting for a Green Lantern movie since Terminator 2 came out. But this was not the film I have waited for.
Super Hero movies seem like they would be a perfect fit for CGI-and maybe if Green Lantern had been made as a fully animated computer cartoon it would have been a better film. Like The Hulk, the makers of Green Lantern fell so much in love with the gee-whiz CGI that they forgot about the story and why anyone would want to watch one of these films.
Pick one or the other. CGI or Live Action-and quit ruining both with films like Green Lantern.