Googleganger-A play on doppelganger-a person with your name who shows up when you Google yourself.
Sounds more like an orgy for the record books, but maybe that’s just me.
My real, and very common and boring name, gets a Google return of 2,500,000. The top of the list is also a professional photographer, or perhaps it is me and I just forgot that I joined that group. Another person with the same name as me is a Pro Basketball Player. One of me writes game reviews for A&E. I am also Vice President of Governmental and Public Affairs-that sounds pretty impressive.
I did make the first page myself, which is kind of odd, as I don’t promote myself by my real name much at all. There is also a Bass Player and a Baseball Player. But then it just drifts off into people that don’t spell the name exactly the way that I do. Maybe it is not so boring and common after all.
The American Dialect Society called Googleganger the most creative new word, Green the most useful, and named Subprime the word of the year for 2007.