Jessica Alba holds a melting ice cream cone in one of the promo posters for Good Luck Chuck. I’m guessing they couldn’t talk her into letting it drip off her tongue, but I’m also guessing that is what they wanted. The other two promo ads feature Jessica Alba’s co-stars in other sexually suggestive poses.
One man appears to be getting a blowjob while the other holds up a grapefruit with a hole in it that suggests he couldn’t find a nice warm apple pie. Funny that Jessica Alba’s picture is the tamest of the three.
The other images that is getting a lot of buzz from the movie is when Jessica Alba loses her skirt and we get a short of her nice white panties with a cute little penguin on the front. Seems she works at a zoo in the film. The best scene is Fantastic Four 2 was a flame on naked Jessica Alba. Ok, it was silly computer stuff, but it was still fun. Which is likely more than can be said for Good Luck Chuck. Of course, I didn’t think I would like Shallow Hal and that turned out to be a pretty good movie.
Jessica Abla is pretty and buff and there will be people that want to see the movie just to look at her. Nothing wrong with that. And this is an R rated movie, so there will likely be a few flashes of skin, whether it is Jessica Alba’s skin or not we will have to wait to see.
The finial movie one sheet is a take off on the Annie Lebowitz’s portrait of John Lennon and Yoko Ono for a Rolling Stone cover. I never did like the original image, but maybe that was just the idea of spooning with Yoko. Shudder. Wrapping yourself around Jessica Alba might not be so bad.
The movie is currently due for release on September 21st.