In honor of Earth Day NBC is Going Green and telling everyone how to be earth friendly, eco friendly, and environmentally friendly. The usual going green advice seems to be on tap-use an Earth Bag and not paper or plastic, use less water, recycle everything, and change the way you live your life for the betterment of the planet. All well and good, I like sustainable living.
But as with healthful foods, buying organic products cost more than buying plastic ones. Shaklee is famous for it’s environmentally friendly products like Airscource 3000, Basic H, and Shaklee herblax, all for sale at premium prices. We all want to save the environment, but not all of us want to pay that much to do it.
Just as Kentucky Fried Chicken tried to jump on the Adkins bandwagon and claim thier chick was a good diet food, lots of companies that may not have natural products are now promoting themselves as going green. I still find it amusing that ChemLawn has changed there name to TrueGreen. Of course, better living through chemicals wasn’t always a joke, TrueGreen is just changing with the times. Of course, TruGreen still puts chemicals on the lawn, but they are green chemicals.
The Eco Friendly Products of choice on seem to be Seventh Generation. Seventh Generation has a wide assortment of environmentally friendly cleaning products and all kinds of natural paper products. Are these things good for the environment? Well, I think green cleaning has to be better for the environment than other products. Safe cleaners work just as well as dangerous cleaners.
The Today Show talked a bit about Texas’s green power and the Wind Power boom that is going on. Seeing these windmills from a distance, they seem like environmental energy solutions. But they are huge, the body as large as a house and the each blade too large to be carried on a conventional 18 wheeler. They make a lot of noise pollution and the neighbors don’t like them. Green energy isn’t quiet energy.
Living in Texas, my idea of a green building would have more solar power than wind power. Of course, most green buildings use solar power, but it is seldom enough power to run a modern house by itself. Green designs, green homes, and green living are all good ideas, but I tend to loose that burlap bags and end up getting paper anyway. There are a lot of green ideas floating around and who knows, maybe all homes will be green homes one day and all cleaning prodcuts green cleaning products.