Part of it has to do with that whole 40-something in my bio, that and the fact that I have not spent a whole hell of a lot of time doodling around on Facebook. Like all social networks, Facebook seems that it might work better for me if I were a bit more, you know-social.
I did figure out how to join one Facebook network, the Regions one, which does not need anything more than, well, a region.
There are a number of Facebook groups that I have joined and like to read. I don’t really know what to do in the Facebook groups now that I have joined them. I posted one of my blog posts and then the next group I went to said Don’t Post Anything Here! and now I am worried that I did something wrong. Oh well, I guess I’ll find out soon enough if I get yelled at by the Group Leader, or whatever Facebook calls them.
I have resisted the occasional urge to join Myspace, too many stories about old men and young women and I have enough drama in my life already. The same thing seems to be going on at Facebook, so I will just have to hope for the best. I like Digg and Propeller and then Facebook starting popping up in my blog stats, so I thought I would join Facebook and see what all the fuss was about.
Since Facebook started off as a place for college kids to keep in touch once they moved out into the real world, it didn’t really appeal to me, as I never went to college. I have always considered college a bit of a waste of time judging from most of the people I know that have degrees they aren’t using for anything.
That was then-now everyone and their dog seems to be on Facebook.
Facebook is number 7 on Alexa, which is simply amazing. A whole new world where I can be ignored, insulted, and passed over for team sports.
There don’t seem to be too many of my old school chums on Facebook.
But really, when I was in high school I had maybe five friends and that was more than enough. I knew the other two hundred and fifty or so that made it all the way to graduation, but we were not exactly buddys. I occasionally meet someone from the old school and I have only recognised but one of them. And I didn’t particularly like him. I was a bit taller than everyone in my class, so I guess I tended to stick out in other people’s minds. No height advantage on Facebook though.
I tried to join the USA Today Group on Facebook but it didn’t seem to work, or maybe I did it wrong. It just seemed like my kind of group. But once I started shuffling through the groups, well, there are an infinite number of groups on Facebook. It seems that one of the great things to do in Facebook Groups is spam the Wall for your own Facebook Group or for your own web page or well, for all kinds of oddball crap. The funny thing is that most of the normal posters ignore the spammers and keep going as if they didn’t see them. I should start an All Spammers Group and see if it gets a million members. Of course, maybe they don’t think of themselves as spammers. Well, maybe they do. Then again, there must already be a Facebook Group like that. Yeah, just checked, like 274 Spammer Groups, none of them have many members though, imagine that.
So, if you’d like a slightly depressing and occasionally annoying old guy for a friend on Facebook, feel free to invite me. Or do I add you? This is almost too much like work.

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