Find Car Insurance with Reality Rejects is the largest online auto insurance agency in the United States and seems have some money to burn. The on line car insurance company has launched Reality Rejects, an online comedy series based loosely on reality TV. The series is hosted on a dedicated YouTube channel, as well as on’s MayTheBestWin blog. I’ve watched the first ‘episode’ and it pretty much like every reality series since Surviver, but I am just not sure how this will help you buy car insurance on line. On the jealous front, this free online car insurance quote blog has an Alexa ranking of 76,290. That’s just wrong.
“Reality Rejects and the MayTheBestWin blog are fun ways for customers to interact with our brand,” said CEO David Roush. Oh, that explains it. I guess getting a car insurance policy online is not really all that much fun.
It will be hard for Reality Rejects to compete with Drawn Together as far as reality parodies go, of course, a cartoon will not inspire you to buy car insurance on line. Come to think of it, I’m not sure Reality Rejects will help with online car insurance quotes either.
MayTheBestWin is a blog, much like every other blog I have ever seen. There is a link to online car insurance quotes, and a little survey box so you can guess who will win Reality Rejects. There is a long list of older posts along one side that seem to be real blog posts about life, the universe, and everything-again just like a blog and not like a place to find cheaper auto insurance. There is gossip about Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, talk about Urban Legends and the 2008 Presidential Elections, and once in a while an interview with one of the contestants on Reality Rejects. I guess someone read a book on Buzz marketing and hopes you will purchase car insurance online as an after thought. Or at least get a free online car insurance quote.
Of course, free online car insurance quotes are not nearly as sexy as reality tv and a blog. Now that the Geico Cavemen are no longer in prime time, maybe they will start a blog and help you get online car insurance quotes. Hmm, I’m not sure blogging is so easy a caveman can do it, but then I don’t know whose writing MayTheBestWin.

Published by Jon Herrera

Writer, Photographer, Blogger.