Homer Simpson with a giant donut next to a man with a club and a giant penis. Homer Simpson quote-Doh!
Wicca folks are saying this a bad sign, that dissing the UK’s ‘Cerne Abbas Chalk Giant is going to bring about all kinds of bad stuff. It’s the curse of the fertility deity. Calling Ra and Kali to dish out some wrath. Roman fertility gods and Indian fertility gods are said to be jealous that there in not a giant Marge of fertility being carved into a hillside somewhere. Not yet, anyway.
Having never been a big believer in fertility gods, fertility spells, or fertility goddesses, I just think it’s funny. Looks like those guys that make crop circles had a bit more time on their hands. Besides, this is not a fertility Homer (Homer looks like an infertility god to me), this is more a Donut God than a Fertility God. Something all of us can relate to. Does anyone want to be fertile anymore? Does anyone need more fertility symbols? There are enough damned brats running around already. But hey, you can never have too many donuts. Besides it could be worst, it could have been Homer Simpson Bowling.
Fertility God. . . Homer Simpson?
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