EntreCard-could they have come up with a worse name? How do you pronounce EntreCard? I guess since EntreCard is a blog toy it doesn’t really matter, no one is likely to be talking about it in the real world anyway. EntreCard-I’m reminded of the movie That Thing You Do where the band was named the Oneneders-Wonders.
Having just started on EntreCard a couple of days ago, I don’t have a ton of stats yet. But I do have enough stats to say that I have already gotten more hits from EntreCard in the first 24 hours than I got from Blogrush in four months. Is EntreCard traffic ‘good’ traffic? That’s always up for debate. What is good traffic? Someone who subscribes to my feed? Someone who clicks on an ad or two? Someone who leaves a comment? Someone that Techonrati favorites me? Or something else? A hits a hit, right? Even if it is just someone dropping an EntreCard.
Judging from the ads I am seeing on the EntreCard network, it’s possible I could make some real money, not credits, but whipping up 125×125 ads and selling them to the good people using EntreCard. Not trying to be mean, but the generic graphics from EntreCard suck big time. Maybe in an effort to get you to hurry up and post your own EntreCard image. I slapped my little EntreCrad 125×125 image together in about twenty minutes. I think it looks pretty cool, but it may not be for everyone. EntreCards are supposed to be online business cards and mine doesn’t look all that businessy. Besides, would anyone pay much for an EntreCard image anyway?
45n5 thinks all bloggers should look seriously at EntreCard, while Ian Fernando thinks EntreCard sucks. Wandering through the top twenty or so results on Google for EntreCard shows that it is a kind of love/hate thing going on. Lots of people shouting how great it is to the rooftops and lots of others saying it takes too much time and you don’t get good ads anyway.
Well, if EntreCrad is a fad, then now is the time to jump on the EntreCard bandwagon. What’s the worse can happen? You spend thirty seconds removing EntreCard from your blog when the bubble bursts. In the meantime, have some fun buying ads for free on blogs you never heard of, and maybe one or two that you have heard of. I’m willing to give EntreCard a shot and see how it goes.