Cause I gotta have faith…
Mmm, I gotta have faith
‘Cause I gotta have faith, faith,
Mm ’cause I gotta have faith-a-faith-a-faith
George Michael
Eli Stone is a fun show, I liked all the visions and the acupuncture doctor and his secretary. I like the way the flashbacks are worked into the story with the acupuncture treatments. It’s fun how our hero turns from a greedy, evil, money grubbing lawyer into a bleeding heart that will take cases for no pay. But the show, at least after one episode, is not as good as two other shows with supernatural heroes.
Wonderfalls was an amazing show that Fox axed before it had a chance. It was about a young woman that, for no apparent reason, started having visions. These visions took the form of small inanimate objects that suddenly became very animate. It was a funny show and Caroline Dhavernas was brilliant as the put upon young woman that didn’t want to be bothered with all these visions.
Joan of Arcadia was a very good show, which lost it’s way in the second season, but was still pretty good. This was the story of a young woman that was constantly pestered by God, who took a wide variety of shapes and generally nudged Joan in the right direction. One the best episodes was the first season finale-where we find that Joan has not been seeing God, she is just nuts. This was also a funny show, but it had plenty of serious overtones.
The first episode of Eli Stone deals with Eli becoming aware of his powers and using his skills as a lawyer to help an old lover. They should have got Lisa Bonnet to play the old girlfriend. Of course, she would have never given the kid the vaccine to start with. It was a good show, the usual courtroom drama, with the added bonus of mystical visions.
I like it and will continue to watch it. Since there is that whole pesky strike thing still going on, the network won’t cancel the show after three airings. Well, at least I don’t think they will cancel it, after all NBC showed all of those dreadful Chuck episodes.
Joan of Arcadia and Wonderfalls had heroes that were faced with extraordinary visions only they could see. It was implied that Joan was crazy, but she was really chosen. So was the hero in Wonderfalls. Eli Stone doesn’t have the courage to come right out and say Eli is prophet, they have to hint to at it. They give him an out, he has an aneurysm-so his visions have a logical explanation. I can’t really complain about this too much, after all, they gave Medium an odd brain as well to help to explain her visions. And I like Medium.
So maybe Eli Stone will be a good show. I found it ridiculous that they felt the need to place a disclaimer at the end- this show was not based on actual people or events-duh, really? A lot of doctors in the real world seem to be upset about vaccines once again getting a bad rep. Hey, he’s a lawyer, he’s got to sue someone or their won’t be a show. Still, I would have liked it better if he had been, say-anything but a lawyer.