Back in the dark ages of my youth, Disco was King. They still make the occasional good Disco song today, but they don’t call them disco. The fact that The Village People are still touring says that I’m not the only one who likes this outdated style of music. But then, can any music really be outdated? Well, maybe those first few years of Rap would best be forgotten, but otherwise, music is forever.
Well, I’d like to say that I had one of those white disco suits and a giant poster of John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever on the wall-but I was a tad too young for the real disco scene. I did like the music those. I watched Solid Gold and I loved those Dancers. Of course, I liked the Gong Show as well.
I remember watching 60 Minutes when they had stories about Studio 54 and a one hit wonder talking about his huge hit single Dance With Me. It’s kind of odd to think about these days.
I never learned how to do The Hustle, though I did a pretty good Bump. School dances we not quite as bad as they looked in Back To The Future, but they were pretty close.
I was having breakfast and the restaurant was playing all these songs that I liked when I in high school-usually they play one or two good songs and then drop in something I never heard of, but this my music. Or maybe I’ve just learned to like a lot more music than I used to.