Whenever I start using a new supplement, or stay off an old one long enough, there is that initial period of OMG, this stuff really works. That rush of vitality that inspires this odd feeling of, yes, this is how I am supposed to feel. That slightly odd feeling of I need to go to the gym and work out for a couple of hours. Though I never did DHEA bodybuilding. I have been taking DHEA, on and off, for several years now. I am finally old enough to feel some real benefits when I stop taking it for a few weeks and then start up again. These little breaks in the routine are not planned, just the results of low funds or running out DHEA tablets and forgetting to buy more, or just being too busy to round up the daily doses. I usually remember to take the regular vitamins and the ginkgo, but the twenty or thirty other things that I have a bottle of laying around, I tend to skip. DHEA vitamins are usually on my must take list.
DHEA supplements are one of those wonder drugs that are supposed to keep you young forever, or at least, not feel as old as you could. DHEA is a parent hormone that is supposed to give you more of what you had when you were young. In my case DHEA vitamins give a boost to the old testosterone, which does have the short term benefit of making me feel the way I used to feel. As with all supplements, well, all drugs, there is a point of diminishing returns where you can’t get the same boost from the same does any more, You keep trying to take more and more to feel the same way you used to feel. But really, I have not had a lot of that with DHEA supplements. I am taking about twice what I once did and I do feel like hopping onto my bike and riding a century, but if I wait a few minutes the feeling goes away.
Coffee, I do like it from a coffee press best. One of the three most abused drugs in America is caffeine, the other two are alcohol and nicotine, funny that all are legal, isn’t it? Of course, can you really abuse a legal drug? I guess I need to ask House about that when he isn’t popping vicodins like they were tic-tacs. Oh yeah, he’s always popping vicodin. Of course, he isn’t real, so maybe it’s only on tv shows that people get hooked on prescription drugs. I have a personal aversion to the things myself, but then, I am not in pain all the time. Not real pain, just the small aches and pains of a misspent youth.
So I drink a lot of coffee, but I have not jumped on the fad of green mountain coffee or illy coffee. These really fine designer coffee remind me of an old Prairie Home Companion routine where a man drinking coffee grown on his own mountain and they just grow enough for him. That’s a pretty exclusive brand.
Coffee is supposed to be good for you, if you drink like one cup a day without adding anything like sugar, cream, and flavored syrup. Did I mention that my favorite kind of coffee is a Frappacino? I’m guessing that caffeinated milk shakes are not all that good for you. But hey, they really do taste pretty damned good.
DHEA is one of those things that we just don’t know enough about. Seeing as it is not regulated by the Government, there are not official DHEA studies that say don’t mix it with this and don’t mix it with that. People die from time to time, and they are often taking forty or fifty pills a day. Each book that you read tells you a few more that are good for what ails you. But none of them, so far as I have found, can tell you what effect taking all of this stuff at the same time will do to you. I am only taking a small handful of supplements now, just five or six, nothing compared to the good old days when I needed a suitcase to carry my pill bottles around. Well, it was a small suitcase.
So I will keep taking DHEA and I will keep drinking coffee. A match made in heaven. Sleep is so overrated anyway.