When you start to write a blog, there a number of things you are told to do, whether you need to or not. Putting an option to subscribe to your blog in an RSS feed is one of those things. Like adding a tracker, there is no going to be a lot of action going on with your RSS feed right off the bat. But there is hope that at some point, people will like what you are saying and not want to miss a word-thus they need to Subscribe to your RSS Feed.
For several months I had no subscribers. I would get a subscriber for a day or two, and then they would be gone. Hmm, was it something I said? Finding Blogcatalog has let me join a couple of small groups that want you to subscribe to their RSS Feed if you will subsccribe to their RSS Feed. It’s the kind of thing that new blogs do to get a few numbers in their sad empty counters. So I subscribed to a few RSS Feeds and a few people subscribed to my RSS Feed.
Since I had no RSS Subscribers, I didn’t bother putting a counter up, why remind myself that no one wants to read what I have to say? So I would check the RSS numbers once a month or so, and there was no change. But about a month or so ago, I installed RSS Subscriber Counter and what to my wondering eyes should appear? 78 RSS Subscribers. Hmm-this was pretty baffling. I didn’t go out of my way to beg for RSS Subscribers, except for a little dodad in the corner, I didn’t even mention RSS.
So my question, Dear Subscribers, is who are you and why did you subscribe to my humble little blog? As the number on my RSS Counter flucuates between 83 and 65 I don’t even know that I have that many RSS Subscribers. But I am guessing that I do have a few.
Here is my guess at what happened. I write about a lot of stuff, the casual web wanderer doesn’t know that I am not Betty Crocker, Rachel Ray, Amazon, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, or anyone or anything else that I have blogged about over the past few months. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there are seventy or eighty people that want to read what I have to say. But I am just a bit curious.
Thanks for RSS Subscribing-I hope that I have not been too big a disapointment for you.